Revoke all EU gagging orders by will of the majority

The EU tyranny must be completely removed from the statute book

It should come as no surprise that Remain fanatics Ken Clarke MP and Anna Soubry MP both support EU gagging orders and the jailing of anyone who dares to humiliate corrupt public servants in the public interest.

Last night in Parliament, a majority of 372 MPs voted to trigger Article 50 on 31 March 2016 and now Brexit is definitely going ahead. It’s all over the Remain fanatics and the tyrannical legislation they superimposed on the British people without consent must be consigned to the dustbin of history.

It is now time for the restoration of freedom of speech and the rebirth of democracy and for this to happen, we must oppose the Government’s plan to transpose EU law into British law.

The nation has spoken, the majority want rid of EU legislation completely, that’s what they voted for, they did not vote for Brexit to allow EU laws to remain on the statute book in some infantile pick and choose exercise. All EU legislation must go and be replaced by a British Bill of Rights that returns free speech to the people, we will accept nothing less.

UKIP typically has sold-out on transposition of EU law and believes “it’s a good idea”but then UKIP has sold-out full stop and is going along with Brexit-lite in league with the Government.

The overwhelming majority of UKIP voters did not vote in favour of transposing EU law into our law. If we allow EU law to remain on our statute book, then the EU still rules Britain by remote transposition.

I am subjected to three of these instruments of EU tyranny and lawyers Soubry and Clarke played a pivotal role in this tyranny and brutal suppression of free speech. Gagging Orders ruin lives, destroy the will to live and their only purpose is the concealment of corruption and musconduct in public office.

Brexiteers need to unite in a solid phalanx against transposition of EU law and oppose any plastic patriot who says “it’s a good idea”.

I was the first person in Britain to acquire an indefinite Gagging Order in December 2014 and since then the Remain fanatics have put two more Gagging Orders on me to destroy frredom of speech because they’re terrified of the truth.

The vast majority of MPs and the 52% majority at the EUref have now voted in favour of Brexit but leaving the EU will not be conpleted until we have removed all EU legislation from our legal and political framework.

Join the #StrongerOut campaign to repeal all EU legislation and its replacement with a truly organic Bill of Rights. Together let’s #TakeControl and return Britain to the “uplit sun lands” of democracy and freedom.

The #StrongerOUT campaign seeks to repeal all EU law on our statute book since 1 January 1973. We propose this is proceeded by an entirely organic British Bill of Rights. 

Let’s get rid of the EU dictatorship by repealing all of its tyrannical legislation

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